الاثنين، 6 أبريل 2015

Tourist outlook for 2015

It looks as if 2015 will begin large developments in the field of international tourism, which is moving from tourism services to serve tourists and give them a wonderful developments and features in the travel and tours the world.

* Turns "hostel" of simple dwellings to wonderful places and modern accommodation. 
Famous youth hostels around the world as a location to stay for tourists simple income earners, and is characterized by the Pensions Statistics available where and basic services.    This changed in 2 015, where some youth housing companies in England begins to improve your your your services to include its modern technological services and modern design, and this makes it a great place for families.    Now Called Postalz the most important are;  Postal Hwachs in Liverpool, and 78 Postal Clinic in London and company Jnator Deployed in England and Ireland.

* Tourism cycling
In the last period began Sport rode bikes around golfing at the elderly in the American continents, and therefore it is expected that abound large amount of tourism cycling across continents in 2015.

* Africa Alrkmjh capital

The shores of Africa will become the most important headquarters for the exercise Alrkamij, a sport surf, and this is thanks to the large number of resorts and professional centers open branches there and available where attached to the sport interesting services, as Africa is characterized by giant waves in the magnificent beaches

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